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What is the Church’s mission in the world today?

27 June 2023

What is the Church’s mission in the world today? I have been thinking about this over the past weeks, and today I read this prayer by Chaplain Lindsey Krinks. I would like to share it with you all as it puts into words just what we as Christ followers should be about!

God of the marginalised and homeless like Hagar,

God of the disinherited, like Ishmael,

God of the underdogs, like David,

God of ordinary workers, like the disciples

God of all those with sullied backgrounds, like Paul

God of the desert, the valley and the wilderness,

God of inclusion and emancipation,

God of second, third and fourth chances,

God of liberation.

Your steadfast love endures throughout the ages. You show up for us again and again and remind us that we are never beyond your care. Teach us to channel the gratitude we feel into love for others and our suffering world. Help us to plant seeds of your upside-down kin-dom in the here and now, trusting in the day the harvest will come. AMEN.

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